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Brittany Ferries confirms LNG cross-channel ferry order
22nd June 2017

Almost exactly a year after the Brexit vote, Brittany Ferries has confirmed the order for a new LNG cruise ferry with a budget of around £175m. It will operate on the company’s busiest route from Portsmouth to Caen with a planned arrival in spring 2019 - as Brexit negotiations move towards completion.

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Brittany Ferries Honfleur – press pack in English
21st June 2017

Honfleur promises to be the most environmentally friendly ship regularly operating in UK waters when she takes to the seas in June 2019. But she will also be a ship that presents a canvas of modernity, comfort and relaxation for passengers on the company’s busiest route, operating from Portsmouth to Caen.

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Communiqué de presse Brittany Ferries – navire Honfleur
21st June 2017

Le navire « Honfleur » sera l’un des navires les plus respectueux de l’environnement opérant sur la Manche, lors de sa mise en service en juin 2019. Le navire, qui sera exploité sur la ligne Caen-Ouistreham/Portsmouth, la plus fréquentée de la Compagnie, proposera aux passagers un service alliant modernité, confort et relaxation.

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Brittany Ferries launches Spanish Parador Hotel offer – 4 nights from £219
24th April 2017

In episode one of The Trip to Spain, Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan sailed on Brittany Ferries’ flagship Pont-Aven to northern Spain from Plymouth. Now the company is encouraging fans of the restaurant-review comedy series to follow in their footsteps by taking a ferry to Spain, to stay where they stay and to experience the culinary delights of the restaurants they visit during the six-episode series.

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