LNG powered vessel represents the next step in a fleet renewal and investment programme worth around €550m
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LNG powered vessel represents the next step in a fleet renewal and investment programme worth around €550m
read moreBrittany Ferries statement on FSG financial position and Honfleur delivery Communiqué de Brittany Ferries sur la situation financière de FSG et la livraison du Honfleur
read moreIn just seven days Honfleur has taken to the water for the first time, grown in height by around 20 metres, and acquired her distinctive profile.
read moreLe Honfleur représente une nouvelle génération de ferry opérant sur le transmanche, alliant un design moderne et offrant une expérience unique de traversée.
read moreThe launch of Honfleur is the third milestone in her construction , following cutting of the first steel in March, 2018 and laying of the keel in August.
read moreKeel laying is the point at which the first hull blocks are lowered onto a slipway. After they are joined, Honfleur’s blocks will form a complete a hull that promises to glide through the seas far more efficiently than ships of the past.
read more12 March 2018: The steel cutting ceremony in Flensburg, Germany, marks the first step in the construction of Brittany Ferries’ Honfleur, a ship that will take little over a year to complete.
read moreWhen delivered Honfleur will be the first passenger ship in the world to be equipped with on board cranes that allow 40 feet (ISO standard) LNG containers to be lifted into a fixed position.
read moreHonfleur promises to be the most environmentally friendly ship regularly operating in UK waters when she takes to the seas in June 2019. But she will also be a ship that presents a canvas of modernity, comfort and relaxation for passengers on the company’s busiest route, operating from Portsmouth to Caen.
read moreLe navire « Honfleur » sera l’un des navires les plus respectueux de l’environnement opérant sur la Manche, lors de sa mise en service en juin 2019. Le navire, qui sera exploité sur la ligne Caen-Ouistreham/Portsmouth, la plus fréquentée de la Compagnie, proposera aux passagers un service alliant modernité, confort et relaxation.
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